The 260 km long road to be built between Odayeri and Kınalı on the European side and between Kurtköy and Akyazı on the Anatolian side connects to the bridges of Osmangazi and Yavuz Sultan Selim. The Northern Marmara Highway Project is a high standard, safe, quality and uninterrupted transportation investment with an important economic, cultural, touristic and social dimension that will ease the transportation of the Marmara region, which includes the biggest metropolises and industrial zones of our country, and will be integrated with Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge and connecting roads.

In addition, Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, which will be the bridge of the firsts, will be the largest in the world with a width of 59 meters and the longest suspension bridge in the world with a rail system on it with a main span of 1408 meters. Another first of the bridge is the suspension bridge with the highest tower in the world with its height exceeding 322 meters.